Clinical decision support for comorbidities: dynamic algorithms that enable shared-decision making

Kieran Walsh
Jools Symonds
Programme stream: 

Session sponsored by BMJ

Most patients in the acute setting have more than one medical condition, but clinical guidelines and clinical decision support tools only focus on single conditions. In light of this, BMJ Best Practice has just launched a new tool – BMJ Best Practice Comorbidities. It provides clinical decision support for patients with more than one condition. It works by means of dynamic treatment algorithms that change as the patient profile changes. Thus, it provides evidence-based content that is more likely to be useful and usable in the real world of clinical practice.

Healthcare professionals dealing with patients with multiple conditions also need to develop skills to put knowledge into practice. These include communication and team working skills and the ability to find out what matters most to patients. These skills are important in caring for all patients but are especially important in patients with multiple conditions.

In this workshop, Kieran Walsh and Jools Symons will discuss how best to integrate applied knowledge and professional skills to improve care for the growing number of patients with multiple conditions.